I have started to build up a sources of information but need to start actually absorbing the information they are presenting as i feel like im just skim reading. I need to use the sources i have found to contribute towards a focused task and go back over what i have been reading.

ive just read bits about mechanical systems and established the areas which encompass it but if some asked me what a mechanical system is i could only really give some area's involved in it without any deeper understanding. Although i do think im more informed now than when first starting this topic so some progress has been made (somewhere) 

My sources i will be referring to: 
  • Essentials revision guide
  • Design and technology student 
  • Youtube 
  • Various random sites and feeds 

I think this has all been a good place to start but i need to move away from all this and do something different. Not only i am not progressing with my learning but i am also extremely bored with reading! as i suggested in the last post i think i need to do an activity of some kind, but what?